One of the core values of CDD India is innovation. CDD was established because it was realized that developed nations’ water and sanitation solutions were unsuitable for developing countries like India. These solutions were capital-intensive, centralized, had high energy requirements and a need for a skilled workforce. However, these requirements were often not met, resulting in a lot of non-operational or underutilized capacity for water and sanitation solutions in the Global South.
The decision to prioritize creating an enabling culture within CDD India and focusing on innovations was based on the understanding that private entrepreneurs may not see much profit in providing essential services such as water and sanitation to the poor. Additionally, government agencies often face administrative burdens and a lack of an innovation culture. However, we also recognized that low-cost, contextual, and easy-to-operate systems are crucial in ensuring the fundamental human rights of water and sanitation for the poor, vulnerable, and marginalized in developing countries.
We recognize that nature and nature-based solutions are often the most effective when exploring potential solutions. The long history of evolution has provided us with solutions that have proven reliable over time. At CDD India, we believe in supporting and promoting these nature-based solutions, which minimize the need for human or external intervention.

CDD India works to innovate technical solutions for inclusive, integrated water management systems. The core value that drives all solutions is that they should be viable, contextualised and sustainable. Towards the same, all solutions are first tested on the ground by pilots at CDD’s research sites before they are demonstrated on the ground. CDD follows a learning mechanism through a feedback loop through our pilot sites. The learnings help us improvise the systems and largely mitigate any chances of failure.
Once the solution’s robustness, viability and sustainability are established, it is demonstrated as a proof of concept for learning and further scale-up across the geography.

CDD India mainstreams its established solutions through capacity building of relevant stakeholders and knowledge dissemination. This includes providing training, lectures, and workshops to equip individuals and communities with the necessary skills and resources. We also ensure that the latest research, best practices, and innovations reach relevant stakeholders through our knowledge dissemination efforts. By fostering collaboration, encouraging innovation, and facilitating evidence-based practices, we ensure the scale-up of sustainable and inclusive nature-based solutions towards water circularity and sustainable environmental practices.