Water |
People |
Who we Are?
CDD is a non profit, headquartered in Bangalore. Our purpose is to innovate, demonstrate, and mainstream inclusive water and sanitation solutions. We aim to accomplish this purpose by developing contextualised, decentralised and resilient nature-based solutions through adoption of systems approach.

Our Approach
Thematic Areas

Used Water Management
80% of fresh water used by households turns into Wastewater. CDD India has been a pioneer of DEWATS, a Nature Based Technology, which uses Wastewater using Nature Based Solutions. DEWATS does not need any electricity or chemicals and the system can be constructed by using locally available resources. The technology and approach is recognized by the Government of India and recommended by the UN World Water Report to be replicated across the globe. Read More
Faecal Sludge Management
Majority of households in India and Global South are not connected to Sewage Network and depend upon onsite sanitation systems. Untreated discharge of this septage onto open fields and water bodies is a major environmental hazard and health risks. CDD India has innovated solutions which treat this sepage through Nature Based Solutions. Our innovation model has already been replicated across more than 400 locations in South Asia and Africa. Read More

Water Body Rejuvenation
Most of our water bodies are highly polluted leading to loss of flora and fauna. Water bodies are often a source of drinking water, recreation, and livelihoods. These functions often get compromised when a waterbody is polluted. CDD India adopts a comprehensive intervention model to rejuvenate the waterbody emphasizing the close relationship between water bodies, ecology, urban recreation needs and pollution mitigation. Read More
Solid Waste Management

Water Security
While Jal Jeevan Mission is a transformative Government effort to connect households with portable water connection, source sustainability remains a major challenge. CDD India designs and implements scientific source sustainability programs adopting a multi-disciplinary approach including remote sensing, geohydrology, geomorphology and catchment analysis to ensure drinking water security to villages which suffer from acute drinking water scarcity. Read More
Urban Resilience
Cities are the economic powerhouse of any nation. They are also the biggest consumer of natural resources. However, cities today face major challenges including pollution, urban heat island effect, urban flooding etc. Climate change is already accentuating these challenges. CDD India designs and implements scientific measures at households, streets and city levels to help urban settlements adapt to climate change through Nature Based Solutions. Read More